January 26, 2013

Amateur Radio Digital Communications Inc

License for Directly Routed (CIDR delegated) Subnet

As described below, you are hereby licensed the address block for a period of five years beginning 2013-01-26,
renewable at our discretion, as subject to our Terms of Service.

You are authorized to arrange with your Network Service Provider to
provide BGP connectivity of this subnet to the Internet at large.

Best wishes.

Brian Kantor, President
Amateur Radio Digital Communications Inc.

Organization name:  KTH (Kungl Tekniska Högskolan)
Organization postal address: KTH, SE-100 44 Stockholm, Sweden
Organization email: @kth.se
Admin Representative name:  Bjorn Pehrson
Admin Representative callsign: SA0BXI
Admin Representative email: bpehrson@kth.se
Admin Representative telephone: +46 70 625 6140
Tech Representative name: Bjorn Pehrson
Tech Representative callsign: SA0BXI
Tech Representative email: bpehrson@kth.se
Tech Representative telephone: +46 70 625 6140
Width of network requested (CIDR Notation): 16
Estimated number of subnets this will be divided into:  ~500-2000
Estimated number of hosts on all subnets combined: 1000-5000
Network Service Provider name: KTH/SSVL
NSP postal address: KTH, 100 44 Stockholm, Sweden
NSP telephone: +46 8 790 6000
NSP email contact:   Bjorn Pehrson , Anders Hillbo ,
NSP ASN: 8973, 1653